About Paid The Cost

Focusing on entrepreneurs, forward thinkers, blue collar workers, ambitious dreamers, & those not afraid to dig deep within for explanation.

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PTC is all about giving the Central Coast community a voice. We highlight the most innovative, interesting and influential people from the area. We’ve helped businesses grow and get the latest information out to our thriving area.


Educating the Central Coast is the main priority. Guests come on PTC to tell their stories of how they’ve became successful, overcame hardships and/or triumphed over life’s ups and downs. We strive to give the listeners hope, inspiration and the will to be who they really are.


Our mission also includes helping the community in impactful ways. After a guest has been featured on PTC, we work together and find ways to keep the relationship moving forward. Numerous interviewees have also teamed up to make an impact on the region.


The Central Coast is a unique area. We focus on health, environment and community. Educating our tribe is important for open and forward thinking. Introspection is an important part of life. Giving our guests the opportunity to tell their story gives another person the chance to find themselves.

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